Lancer Insurance
Friday, January 17, 2025

For the last several months, the National Limousine Association (NLA) has hosted a series of livestream roundtable discussions designed to keep operators informed of industry hot-button topics. The most recent stream, held March 26, dealt with an issue deemed a “necessary evil” by moderator and NLA President Robert Alexander of RMA Worldwide: auto insurance.


Alexander welcomed three representatives from leading fleet insurance companies to discuss the current state of the industry and field questions from online attendees. Joining Alexander were Tim Delany from Lancer Insurance, Adam Weisman from Philadelphia Insurance Companies, and Michelle Wiltgen from National Interstate Insurance.

NLA Robert Alexander NLA President Robert Alexander

With the NLA in the process of launching a sponsored health insurance plan, the livestream kicked off with a discussion about the possibility of a similar program for auto coverage. Unfortunately, the panel pointed out that the difference in regulations and requirements from state to state make it unfeasible to have a national plan. Moreover, said Weisman, a “group is as strong as its weakest link,” meaning that a large pool of insured drivers would not necessarily be beneficial for operators seeking the best rate.

Delany, Weisman, and Wiltgen touched on a wide range of topics, including ways to get lower premiums (hint: technology and frequent driver training), effects of the pandemic on the industry, and the importance of a good relationship with your broker. Operators weighed in with questions relating to rate increases during COVID, usage-based pricing, and recommendations for dashcam systems. The panel also emphasized the importance of associations and grassroots lobbying in changing regulations and legislation on a state level.

NLA Walter Pennington Dembo Jones Guest speaker Walter Pennington of Dembo Jones

If you missed this information-packed livestream, have no fear. The NLA has made a recording available on their Facebook page here.

Next up in NLA livestreams will be the session The ABCs of ERC, in which guest speaker Walter Pennington of Dembo Jones Certified Public Accountants will explore the Employee Retention Credit. Catch this livestream on April 29 at 2 p.m. ET on the NLA’s Facebook page.

Visit for more information.
