Driving Transactions
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Keep yourself informed and connected to other members of the industry by attending these important meetings. 

Strategy Leaders Webinar
Valuations & Understanding SMB Business Value
7/12 at 1:00 p.m. ET via LinkedIn (registration required)

FMCSA Webinar
Applicability of the Registration, Financial Responsibility, and Safety Regulations to Motor Carriers of Passengers
7/12 at 2:00 p.m. ET
(registration required)

Maryland Limousine Association Member Meeting
7/18 at 12:00 p.m. at
Jimmy’s Famous Seafood in Baltimore (RSVP to marylandlimoassoc@gmail.com)

BISC and BusMARC Summer Meeting
7/25-7/27 Embassy Suites in Orlando, Fla.

Midwest Bus & Motorcoach Association Annual Convention
Branson, Mo.

New England Livery Association Annual Golf Event
8/8 Marlborough Country Club in Marlborough, Mass.

Global Business Travel Association Convention 2023
8/13-8/15 Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas, Texas

Would you like to add your event to our annual calendar? Let us know! Email susan@chauffeurdriven.com or rob@chauffeurdriven.com to be included in our calendar.

