Lancer Insurance
Monday, February 10, 2025
VLAVLA Board (L to R): Member Recruitment Officer Harrison Akasiaka of Elite Moves, 2nd Vice President Mauricio Trigo of Infinity Limo Car, President Bill Kerr of Camryn Limousine, Sergeant at Arms Claude Cristea of Williamsburg Chauffeur, Secretary Hope Newcomb of James Limousine, Treasurer Andre Ferreira of A Goff Transportation, and Vice President Anton Dagner of Ambassador Limousine

On Monday, April 29, the Viriginia Limousine Association (VLA) held a membership meeting at the Holiday Inn in Ruckersville, Va. Designed to revamp the organization, the meeting welcomed 25 members, and included guest speakers from both national and regional associations.

VLA President Bill Kerr of Camryn Limousine welcomed everyone and went straight into the program by introducing National Limousine Association (NLA) Director Shawn Glasgow of Peak Limousine. Glasgow, who represents the Southeast Region for the NLA, informed the group about the NLA allocating funds for local associations to assist with local issues. He also mentioned a current $99 one-car membership option. Glasgow then focused on the upcoming Day on the Hill on May 14-15 and the need for members to step up. He also stressed the importance of contributing to PAC fundraiser for Senator Jean Shaheen (D-NH), who has been instrumental on behalf of the industry by championing and getting relief from the overtime on gratuities issue. Glasgow presented a CD/NLA Retreat pass for a silent auction that was won by Andre Ferreira from A Goff Transportation. Finally, he proudly mentioned the recent Vegas conference and that the NLA had granted 30 scholarships to operators.

VLAL to R: VLA President William Kerr of Camryn Limousine, Treasurer (and Executive Retreat pass winner) Andre Ferreira of A Goff Transportation, and NLA Director Shawn Glasgow of Peak Limousine

Next up was Philadelphia Regional Limousine Association (PRLA) Secretary Tracy Salinger of Unique Limousine, who also serves on the NLA Board of Directors. She updated the attendees on the Marine Semper Fi & America’s Fund charity and encouraged all to contribute. Salinger also provided important updates on N.Y. congestion pricing as well as opening a discussion on the 3-minute idling rule in NYC and how to avoid getting cited by a video.

Maryland Limousine Association President Len Joseph of On The Town Limousines opened the discussion regarding issues in Washington, D.C., related to point-to-point travel vs. drop and go. He shared that Department of For Hire Vehicle (DC FHV) enforcement is being done by independent operators and they are very strict to the letter of the manifest carried by the chauffeur, even down to the end times listed. Not only must the company complete the “clean hands registration process” at $650 per vehicle, but the chauffeurs need to be registered as well. With the inauguration coming, there will be more discussion and dialogue with DC FHV as to how black cars and SUVs can co-exist in the district. Joseph also discussed the MLA and their successes with frequency of meetings, vendors, and providing valuable content through education, communication, and networking at their meetings.


To close out the evening, VLA Board nominations were accepted, and seven people have stepped up to form the new Board going forward. They are:

  • President Bill Kerr of Camryn Limousine
  • Vice President Anton Dagner of Ambassador Limousine
  • 2nd Vice President Mauricio Trigo of Infinity Limo Car
  • Secretary Hope Newcomb of James Limousine
  • Treasurer Andre Ferreira of A Goff Transportation
  • Sergeant at Arms Claude Cristea of Williamsburg Chauffeur
  • Member Recruitment Officer Harrison Akasiaka of Elite Moves

“As a second-generation owner, I’ve been grateful for the advice I’ve received from the VLA membership. I’m proud and excited to step up and take a seat on the board so I can give back to the other members,” says Dagner.

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