Lancer Insurance
Monday, January 20, 2025
LANJL to R: LANJ Director Jason Messinger of BBZ Limousine, 1st Vice President Joe Gulino of Gem Worldwide, and Director Tim Rose of Dolphin Transportation

More than 125 members and guests were on hand for the return of the Limousine Association of New Jersey (LANJ) dinner and auction. Held Tuesday, May 21, at Il Tulipano in Cedar Grove, N.J., the event served as a dual fundraiser with money raised going to both the association and Make-A-Wish of N.J. and attracted affiliate members from all over the country.

LANJL to R: LANJ President Mike Rose of My Limousine Service, NLA President Brett Barenholtz of Above All/Boston Car, and CD Editor Rob Smentek

The evening kicked off with a cocktail hour, courtesy of Open Bar Sponsor EmpireCLS Worldwide. After members and guests networked for 90 minutes, LANJ President Mike Rose of My Limousine Service welcomed everyone and thanked the capacity crowd for attending. He then introduced Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Jersey Director of Events Dominique Gleason, who shared a bit about the charity, which is currently celebrating its 41st year. Rose stated that he is proud to have LANJ partner with the non-profit for the fundraiser.  Next, the evening’s sponsors were introduced, notably Premier Sponsor Complete Fleet Livery Sales.

LANJL to R: Steve Edelmann of Cabot Coach Builders, Alan Candeub of Park Avenue Limousine, and Honorary Director Tony Viscusi of Global Limousine LANJKaren Gajda of Country Club Transportation and Randall Willms of Minuteman Limousine & Car Service

LANJ 2nd Vice President Jeffrey Cartegena of Leros Transportation Group informed the members that the association is revamping its affinity program, which will see the vendor members offer discounts on products and services.

Rose then presented former LANJ President (and current Secretary) Jason Sharenow of Broadway Elite Worldwide with an award to acknowledge his more than eight years of service to the association, including navigating the organization through some of the roughest waters the industry has seen.

LANJThe LANJ dinner and auction attracted more than 125 guests

Sharenow said he was left speechless by the honor and thanked his partners at Broadway Elite along with his wife Arielle for allowing him to put in time for LANJ. Arielle was also recognized by Rose as she was presented with a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the LANJ Board of Directors.

LANJL to R: Jeff Nyikos of Leros Transportation Group, Brett Barenholtz of Above All/Boston Car, and Keith Soraci of A1A Airport & Limousine Service

Members were encouraged to take part in the new Barbara J. Chirico Scholarship Program, which is now open to the children of current LANJ member families, including owner and employee families.

Rose then introduced LANJ’s very first affiliate member, none other than National Limousine Association (NLA) President Brett Barenholtz of Above All Transportation/Boston Car Service, who also serves as president of the New England Livery Association.

“I love New Jersey,” confessed Barenholtz, who then lauded LANJ as one of the best local associations in the industry.

LANJLANJ Treasurer Barry Trabb of Complete Fleet Livery Sales

Barenholtz revealed that he has a true passion for chauffeured transportation, and believes the outlook is very bright. He then shared a bit about the NLA’s recent record-breaking Day on the Hill advocacy event in Washington, D.C., which saw participation from 66 members. Barenholtz then recognized the hard work put in by CD President Chris Weiss as the NLA’s show partner and previewed the upcoming CD/NLA Executive Retreat in Miami on June 2-5 and the CD/NLA Fall Show in National Harbor on October 13-16.

LANJLANJ 2nd Vice President Jeff Cartegena of Leros Transportation Group shows off his show pass to the upcoming CD/NLA Fall Show LANJFormer LANJ President (and current Secretary) Jason Sharenow of Broadway Elite Worldwide (left) was honored with an award by President Mike Rose of My Limousine Service for his years of service to the association LANJL to R: Ace and Ryan Shaer of Ace Limousine & Airport Service with Joe Guino, Jr. of Gem Worldwide

Following a buffet dinner, the evening’s auction got underway, courtesy of a dynamic duo of auctioneers, namely LANJ 1st Vice President Joe Gulino of Gem Worldwide and Treasurer Barry Trabb of Complete Fleet.  The bidding was fast and furious, as Gulino and Trabb spotlighted a diverse array of auction items, which included high-end gift baskets, sporting event tickets, lottery tickets, and much more. Chauffeur Driven donated a number of in-demand items for the auction, which included 18 months of Affiliate Central advertising, won by Jason Sharenow of Broadway Elite; an email blast, won by Tim Rose of Dolphin Transportation; a magazine profile, won by Mike Rose of My Limousine Service; and full-page ad in the magazine, won by Drew Messina of Create-A-Card. The CD/NLA show partnership also donated passes to the Fall 2024 and Vegas 2025 shows, which went home with Jeffrey Cartegena of Leros Transportation Group and Joe Gulino of Gem Worldwide, respectively.  Another high-profile item was a set of branded office chairs, courtesy of Premier Products, which saw a winning bid from Steve Horowitz of EmpireCLS Worldwide.

LANJ’s next meeting is scheduled for September 17 in Princeton, N.J.

Visit for more information.
