Lancer Insurance
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Ken Lucci Ken Lucci of Driving Transactions

Industry consultant and Chauffeur Driven contributor Ken Lucci of Driving Transactions hosted a webinar on Tuesday, October 20, entitled From Crisis to Recovery: Mapping Out the Road Back. Sponsored by FASTTRAK, the Zoom meeting offered strategies to help operators restart and rebuild your passenger transportation business. The hour-long session was attended from dozens of operators from around the country, and featured guest speakers Eddie McCoy of FASTTRAK and Edward Kaye of Schickler Kaye.

Lucci opened the meeting by welcoming McCoy, who discussed the development and features of FASTTRAK’s new URL-based Envision software package. Next, Lucci gave an overview of Driving Transactions’ valuation and consultation services, and provided a brief outlook of what the luxury ground transportation is facing in the near future.


With many banks and lenders hesitant to grant borrowers a third round of deferments, Kaye provided negotiation strategies and general financial advice for operators struggling during the pandemic. Financial forecasting and creating a clear “story” are essential for dealing with lenders. With the used commercial vehicle market at a low, banks are hesitant to reclaim assets, so providing an honest and reasonable outlook for the future is likely to help when negotiating terms.

On October 29, Lucci and FASTTRAK are hosting another free webinar featuring Simon Curtis of Curtis Gabriel. Topics will include How to Create Revenue Pivots, Why Choose Social Media & It’s Versatility, Maintaining Your Presence, and Growth Strategies Coming Out of COVID. To attend, email for Zoom credentials.
