Lancer Insurance
Monday, September 09, 2024
Women's Leadership Council (WLC)

It’s education time! Next week on April 20, the NLA/CD Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) will kick off their first of several webinars this year, starting with The Do's and Don'ts in a Digital Age, presented by Maren Graham of MJ Graham Visual Solutions. The webinar is open to anyone and is free for NLA members (only $25/session for non-members or $100 for the entire series).

For many of us, we’ve been in survival mode for so long that the essentials of our business have been filtered through the lens of the pandemic. But we forget that social media has fundamentally changed how we live, think, work, and experience life. It has the power to shape, build, connect, inform, and engage. And in one single post, it has the power to take it all away. What you share online becomes a representation of you and your business. This webinar is a refresher on the importance of exercising good online etiquette.

Women's Leadership Council (WLC)

Do you know the number one thing you should always do before hitting send or posting? Do you know why your employees are the key to your social media success? Graham’s webinar will explore all that and much more! After the session, be sure to stick around for a networking sessions with industry peers.

The hardwoking ladies of the WLC have put together a rock-solid schedule of events, so you won’t want to miss a single session in this series. Other webinars planned for later this year include Human Resources and Updating Your Company Handbook (May), Credit Card Security (July), Government Contracting (September), and Work/Life Balance and Mental Wellness (November).

For more information about the WLC, the webinar series, or to register, click here.
