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More than 25 members attended ILA’s open board meeting, which was hosted by Midwest Transit Equipment Kankakee, Ill. — The Illinois Limousine Association (ILA) held its monthly open board meeting January 6 to close the door on 2015 and discuss issues affecting the organization in the coming year. Midwest Transit Equipment hosted the event, which was attended by 25 members, and provided a facility tour and lunch.
ILA President Tracy Raimer of Your Private Limousine discussed 2015’s major accomplishments, which included improving member communications, increasing state and local officials’ awareness of ILA, and streamlining ILA’s office. In 2016, the association will work toward holding continued legislative meetings and making a more aggressive effort to increase membership.
Remaining a hot issue for ILA is the federal lawsuit against Chicago over the city’s unfair treatment of taxis and livery compared to TNCs. The deadline for the city to respond to the complaint was extended to Friday, January 8. The association promises to keep members updated as the lawsuit progresses. To support ILA’s legal fight, throughout the month of January, Arthur Messina of Create-A-Card will donate $100 for every order totaling more than $200 to the association.
Other TNC-related topics discussed at the meeting included licensing, fees, airport traffic, and the potential long-term impact to the qualified professional chauffeur pool.
ILA President Tracy Raimer of Your Private Limousine oversaw the first ILA meeting of 2016 The group also examined new procedures for airport departure. As the paper airport departure tax stamps are being phased out by Chicago’s Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, attendees shared late-breaking issues experienced at O'Hare and Midway airports. It was also confirmed that the city will continue to accept the peel-and-stick stamps until kiosk and application problems are resolved.
Everyone was reminded that the open board meetings are held monthly, and all members and vendors are invited to participate. In-person meetings are scheduled to be held at least once per quarter.
ILA’s next open board meeting will be February 3 and its annual meeting will be held May 11 at Comfort Suites O’Hare Airport Hotel in Schiller Park, Ill.
Visit illinoislimousineassociation.com for more information.
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HALCA President Wes Hart and Kim Garcia of America Corporate Transportation
Houston — The Houston Area Livery & Charter Association (HALCA) hosted its annual holiday event at the Marriott Westchase on December 13, which was attended by more than 150 members, suporters, and their families—including Chauffeur Driven’s Industry & Brand Ambassador Phillip Jagiela.
The festive evening offered attendees a buffet dinner as well as entertainment provided by a mariachi band and belly dancers. More seasonal fun was offered by a photo booth, sponsored by Past President Erich Rendl of Avanti Limousine, which allowed everyone to bring home a holiday photo. Additionally, various prizes were raffled off, including a case of wine, gift baskets, hotel accommodations, and local brewery tour packages.
CD Industry & Brand Ambassador Philip Jagiela with Lauren Barrash of The Wave, who won a pass to Chauffeur Driven’s 2016 Show in Washington, D.C.The party gave the association an opportunity to present outgoing board members with a token of the association’s appreciation. Outgoing secretary Linda Pomerleau of Gulf Coast Limousine in Houston was thanked for her eight years of service while Frank Bergeron of Franklin Transportation was recognized for his four years as a board member.
Jagiela then addressed attendees and spoke about the successful 2015 Chauffeur Driven Show and Executive Retreat. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of operators joining their local and national associations and encouraged everyone in attendance not part of an association to get involved. Prior to hosting a trivia contest to give away two passes to Chauffeur Driven’s 2016 events, Jagiela acknowledged those who have been instrumental in HALCA’s success. The pass to the New Orleans Executive Retreat was won by Rachid Ben of Aviation Limousine & Transportation, and Lauren Barrash of The Wave took home the pass to the October CD Show in Washington, D.C.
To close the night, HALCA President Wes Hart of American Corporate Transportation offered his thanks to those who made the evening a success, including Jagiela and HALCA Vice President Ismail Abe of LaBrees Limousine. He then announced the association’s new board members: Matt Assolin of Nikko’s Worldwide Transportation, who will act as treasurer, and Jon Ouazdi of Transgate Limousine, who will serve on the board. Hart will remain president in 2016 alongside vice president Abe, and secretary Barrash.
Visit houstonlimos.info for more information.
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L to R: John Hafer of A Custom Coach Transportation, Mary Norby of Carey Denver, Shane Stickel of Presidential Worldwide Transportation, Adam Paul of Colorado Corporate Car, and Nikko Ouzounis of A White Dove Limousine
Denver — More than 30 members and friends braved a snow storm to attend the annual holiday event of the Colorado Limousine Association (CLA). Held at Mickey’s Top Sirloin restaurant, the dinner party gave CLA members the opportunity to socialize and celebrate the accomplishments of the past year.
President Shane Stickel of Presidential Worldwide Transportation welcomed the attendees with a short speech, and expressed his gratitude to the current CLA board members. He also took a moment to recognize Franci Ouzounis of A White Dove Limo for her role in obtaining the venue for the holiday event. Before giving the floor to Phillip Jagiela, CLA Executive Director and Chauffeur Driven Industry & Brand Ambassador, Stickel closed by announcing that elections for the 2016 board members will be held at the next general membership meeting.
CD Industry & Brand Ambassador Philip Jagiela (right) with Doug Pooley of Colorado Limousine
After Jagiela greeted the crowd, he shared some of CLA’s 2015 successes and provided highlights regarding the association’s social media activity and new website. Unfortunately, Jagiela was met by disappointed groans when he announced that, this year, there would be no “standard raffle” of the highly sought-after passes to upcoming Chauffeur Driven events; however, this was a bit of misdirection, as two passes were given to winners of a trivia contest. Douglas Pooley of Colorado Limousine in Denver took home a pass to the Chauffeur Driven Executive Retreat in New Orleans, and Mary Friesema of Red Boots Limousine in Denver won the pass to the Washington, D.C. show.
Next, Barb Curtis of Two Step Limousine took the floor to announce her candidacy for NLA’s At Large seat. She shared her experience, which includes six years as an NLA director and five years as the association’s secretary. After Curtis spoke, Stickel made a few closing comments to close out the evening event.
CLA’s next general membership meeting will be January 19.
Visit cololimo.org for more information.